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Applications for the 2012/2013 Chevening Scholarships have now opened and will close on Sunday 11 December, 2011. For over 27 years, Chevening has provided more than 30,000 scholarships at higher...


2012-13 applications for Scots Australian Scolarships will be due FRIDAY 3 FEBRUARY 2012. Scots Australian Council scholarships are awarded in partnership with Scottish business and industry. The aim...

GAMSAT - Medicine for Graduates

Graduates of any discipline may sit GAMSAT and apply for entry to 4-year Graduate-entry Degree in Medicine at......The Australian National University Deakin University Flinders University Griffith...

ARC Super Science Fellowship

ARC Super Science Fellowship “Interactive effects of changing climate, seawater carbonate chemistry and nutrient availability on corals and coral reefs” The Australian Institute of MarineScience...