2012-13 applications for Scots Australian Scolarships will be due FRIDAY 3 FEBRUARY 2012.

Scots Australian Council scholarships are awarded in partnership with Scottish business and industry. The aim of the programme is to develop lasting links between young Scots and Australians by offering outstanding graduates and young professionals an opportunity to study at a Scottish university.

The scholarships are tenable for one year only and are designed to facilitate a postgraduate course in any discipline, but with a general preference for the humanities. Candidates must be Australian citizens who are recent graduates and who have an informed interest in Scotland as well as the intention of returning to work in Australia.

Successful candidates will have a track record of ambition, excellence and achievement.  All candidates are advised to apply directly to their Scottish university of choice at the same time. Awards will be announced in May or June 2012.

See the Scots Australian Council website for more details.


How to apply
Completed application forms, available on above website, may be submitted by post or email.:

The Secretary
The Scots Australian Council
19 Dean Terrace
Edinburgh EH4 1NL

e-mail: helpdesk@scotsoz.org

If you require further information or advice, please contact the Scots Australian Council at helpdesk@scotsoz.org


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