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2016 Gold Coast Careers Fair on March 10

In March, it’s all about graduate and vacation programs! Final year students get prepared to apply for graduate roles now, because all the big companies are starting to advertise their grad roles for...

Job Search Seminars Coming O-Week!

The Careers and Employment Service is looking forward to welcoming all commencing and continuing students in O-Week! To help get you ready for the year ahead, we have a range of job search seminars...

Resume Competition - Spruce up your resume and win!

It's on again! You could win an Apple MacBook Air, an iPad Mini Gold or iPad Air Silver!  Improve your resume and therefore improve your chances of getting a job by entering the SRC Resume...

Make a difference - Volunteer.

Griffith Volunteering Week, Aug  3- 7. We all admire people who make a positive difference in this world. You don't have to be a Nobel Peace Prize winner like Malala Yousafzai or Barak Obama or head...

30 Grads 30 Days 30 Stories

30daysheader.png Do you sometimes wonder where you could end up after graduating? We, the Careers and Employment Service, got to catch up with some amazing, successful and interesting graduates for our ’30 Grads in 30...