Griffith Volunteering Week, Aug  3- 7.

We all admire people who make a positive difference in this world. You don't have to be a Nobel Peace Prize winner like Malala Yousafzai or Barak Obama or head up Médecins sans Frontières to make a difference. Why not start in your own community? Become a volunteer. There are hundreds of not for profit organisations working to better our communities - and they need your help. 

Volunteering opportunities are on display on campus this week at Griffith's Volunteering Experience Fairs (Aug 4, Gold Coast  & Aug 5, Nathan). Organisations offering a wide variety of volunteering opportunities are waiting to meet you. Choose a cause that means something to you and sign up. Perhaps you're passionate about the environment, animal welfare or improving the lives of refugees or people with a disability. Visit the Fairs to see what wonderful work is being done and be a part of it.

Aside from the satisfaction of knowing you're making the community a better place (no matter how small the scale), volunteering is also great work experience which is valued by employers and an effective way of extending your professional networks and overall employability. Employers often say to the Careers Team that, when faced with a choice between two very similar job applicants, they'll be more interested in the one who has not only pursued academic and personal success but also given something back to society. 

Put your community principles into practice - volunteer!

The Volunteers Fairs run from 11 am - 2 pm.