WASH conference 2011
16-20 May, Brisbane, Australia

See attachment for more information.

There is a global crisis in sanitation and water: almost two fifths of the world’s population (2.6 billion people) do not have access to improved sanitation; roughly one in eight people (884 million people) do not have access to safe water.

An essential element in tackling this crisis is to build the knowledge and skills of people working in this sector.

In 2011 practitioners and professionals from governments, donors and NGOs, students and academics, will come together at the WASH 2011 conference to discuss one of the greatest challenges to the water, sanitation and hygiene sector: sustainability.

The WASH conference and training program will focus primarily, but not exclusively, on WASH services provision in developing countries, including: water supply systems (in villages, towns and cities); household scale toilets and sanitation facilities in public and shared areas (such as schools, clinics and markets); and hygiene promotion from community-based to campaign approaches.

Submit an abstract
Abstract submissions are currently open.
For full information visit www.watercentre.org/wash2011.
Abstracts are due by 9 February 2011.
Registration details will be available in January 2011. 

To receive regular updates on the conference, please email your request to:
Jessica Stonier, International WaterForum
07 3123 7766 ext 203

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