myOE are offering UK Travel Scholarships to final year undergraduate students from Australian and New Zealand Universities who are due to finish their degree in 2010. One winner from each university will be chosen to attend a ‘Winner’s Weekend’ in Fiji. These students will then compete to secure a place as one of 10 students to win an all paid-for 2 week trip in June/July to the UK.

Each unique UK Travel prize is valued at $8,000 and the once in a life-time two week trip will include

• Return airfares from Sydney or Auckland to London

• Return airfares to Sydney or Auckland

• Accommodation (including myOE guesthouse)

• Adventures to the UK’s best sights (in the myOE kombi van)

• Spending money

Applications close 26 April 2010.

Stage 1: Upload photos and explain in 100 words or less why you deserve a place on the winners weekend in Fiji and the Free UK OE.

Stage 2: Make a video

Stage 3: Winner's weekend in Fiji.

Please check your entry carefully before sending it to us. Once you have entered you cannot enter again or make any changes to your entry.

Note:  You must be a Facebook member and a fan of myOE.

Applications close 26 April 2010.


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