As an initiative of the 2009 ICT Careers week
( the ACS Foundation is holding a competition for young people to post a short video (less than two minutes) around one or more of the following six themes of the week.

Create a 2 minute video on one of the following themes:

  • What does IT mean to You?
  • How can IT solve the world's problems?
  • How does IT build connections with people?
  • How does IT spark creativity?
  • How does IT improve our daily lives?
  • How can IT give you the lifestyle you want?
  • How can IT give you a global career?

    Entries should be posted on the ACS Foundation You Tube channel -

Each category winner will receive one of seven i-Pod Touches, based on the number of "views" their video gets.

Full details of the competition can be found on the Careers Foundation website -

Please share the details of this competition with your friends, and let's see if we can identify the creative and talented young people of the future!!