2009 Olvar Wood Fellowship Award, Australia-wide
Friends of Olvar
Enter your book-length manuscripts for the Olvar Wood Fellowship Award from 1 January 2009. The Fellowship is a chance for you to gain recognition for the quality of your writing, and support in getting it to the next stage.
Four Fellowship winners will receive:
- a full manuscript appraisal, including guidance on how to further develop their work for publication
- a week-long intensive retreat at Olvar Wood (24-31 July 2009)
- three monthly feedback sessions after the retreat to support them in rewriting/editing their manuscript
- free membership of Friends of Olvar
More information, including entry guidelines can be found at http://www.perilousadventures.net/Olvar/FellowshipAward.html or email admin@perilousadventures.net
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