According to a recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald (Barnsley, 2002), a successful interview starts long before you arrive at the interviewer's office. Preparation, research and practice are the keys to performing well.

Anne Silver, who runs training courses in interview techniques, says that research is probably an area where most people are under-prepared. She stresses the importance of researching the organisation in order to tailor your specific skills to the job at hand. Anne says the interrview is essentially about 'show and tell', and therefore it is important you provide the interviewer with an example of how you did something - explain the situation, how you responded and the outcome.

Ann also points out the importance of highlighting your broader transferable skills (such as organisational and communication skills) when answering questions, and how you can add value to the organisation.

For more tips on how to get that job, drop in to the careers library on your campus and check out the great books, videos and take away resources we have available for your use. If you are a final year student check out the 'workshops' section on careerboard for details of the full-day Job Search Workshops coming up in early December.