Price Waterhouse Coopers is visiting Nathan Campus on 30 Aug. They are seeking accounting, law and finance students in their second last year of study, so come along and get the inside tips that will give your application the competitive edge.

VENUE: N18 Central Theatre 2
DATE: Tues 30 Aug
TIME: 12pm

Price Waterhouse Coopers' services include Audit and Assurance, Tax, Crisis Management, Human Resources, Performance Improvement and Transactions.

Applications for vacation employment opportunities 2005/2006 close 15 Sept 2005.

To register for the on campus information session, go to the 'events/employers on campus' section of CareerBoard and register online, or email j.oneill@griffith.edu.au with your name, phone number, degree program and year of study. You can find out more about Price Waterhouse Coopers by clicking on the website link below.