With the FPA 2007 National Conference only 6 weeks away, students are encouraged to register now with a fantastic student offer available! Usually priced at $1,497 students can register for just $150! A saving of $1,345.

For $150, students will receive:
  • Full registration to the main conference program on Thursday 29 and Friday 30 November.
  • An invitation to attend the Networking Reception on the evening of Thursday 29 November; mix and mingle with over 2,000 of your industry colleagues.
In addition, for every student registration purchased, the FPA will provide the registered student delegate with a complimentary general membership to the FPA for 2007/08 (if they are not yet already a member). That's another saving of $495.

Visit the conference website now to check out the program and register now! http://www.fpa2007.com.au

Please note that student registration is available to any student currently undertaking full or part-time studies in an appropriate financial planning, finance, commerce or business course and not employed in the industry. Student registration is not available to those on CFP®Certification Program, DFS (FP) or ADFS (FP) courses.